Kebijakan Produk dan Pesanan

Kami selalu memastikan bahwa pesanan yang kami kirim dalam kondisi baik.
Untuk keluhan pesanan silakan mengirimkan email ke [email protected].
Batas waktu keluhan pesanan adalah maksimal 3 (tiga) hari setelah pesanan diterima dengan segel dan label masih terpasang.
Jika kriteria tersebut tidak terpenuhi, maka keluhan pesanan tersebut tidak dapat kami tindak lanjuti.

Product and Purchase Policy

We always make sure that the order we sent to you is in a good condition.
In order to make a complaint about your purchase, please submit an email to [email protected].
For your kind information, the time limit to process a complaint is valid for 3 (three) calendar days since the order was received at your place and the seal is still attached to the product.
If those conditions are not fulfilled, then we cannot process your complaint further.